The Anti Social Network?

I must admit when I did the quiz for this on the Study Desk, I fell for it hook, line and sinker.  I really have thought many times, that the introduction of incredible portable devices such as Ipads, smartphones and tablets, that make accessing programs and applications for web browsing and social networking so easy, was a big reason why people seem to appear anti-social in their daily lives.  As much as I love gadgets and technology, I could see how people were choosing to use these devices instead of interacting with the people around them.  I have witnessed every single person at a bus stop with their head down looking at their devices, I have seen clusters of people in the city half watching where they are going and half looking at a small screen in front of them. I have seen people out to dinner, and every person at the table is on their phone scrolling instead of looking at each other talking and sharing news, and creating special moments.

However, is it the technology that is creating what seems like anti-social behaviours, or is it how people are choosing to use technology?  Is it a bad thing to want to read something instead of interacting with the people sitting at the bus stop with you?  I know as a slightly introverted person, I would prefer to read my book or have music playing on my smartphone with my headphones in while I wait for the bus to arrive. Is it socially unacceptable to look at your phone while at dinner?  Well, this one I feel is important; I would prefer that if I was catching up with friends over lunch or having a meal with my family, that we were all emotionally available and present in the moment enjoying each others company without the distractions of what’s happening on Facebook or playing Fruit Ninja.  Meaningful interaction that creates memories and special moments, just being together and enjoying each other is what its all about for me in that scenario.

So what about friends that only contact you on Facebook but never call or text you to see how you are or that they are coming over to see you sometime?  This one is a grey area for me too.  I would sincerely love more contact with my friends but it seems that everyone is so busy with their partners, children, jobs, businesses, study and all the other things that fill our worlds, that Facebook and Instagram seems to be the only way to keep connected.  Are these people making other things a priority over time spent with you in the flesh?  And if so, is that technology’s fault? However, nothing makes my day like a loved one who says, “I’m coming over with cake and coffee….I don’t care that your house is a mess or you are still in your pyjamas…Yes I know its lunch time; I’ll bring a salad….I’ll see you soon”.  hahaha!

So the bigger picture is more about setting some healthy boundaries and ground rules around your own personal use of devices and technology, with consideration given to the company you are keeping as you use it.  As I read on Charlotte’s blog , she also felt that technology is a great tool as long as it is used correctly and responsibly.  Because it really is a wonderful platform for connection, communication, work and education.  We can still enjoy everything that technology has to offer whilst nurturing relationships, communication and “being with” our loved ones in the traditional sense.

The following video, is a 15 minute short film about a social media addict named Lucas who is so consumed by documenting is every move on Facebook, that the boundaries between his real life and his virtual reality are obsolete. It really made me think….it is up to the individual about HOW they use technology rather than the technology itself. Enjoy!

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